Saturday, August 27, 2016

The hidden causes of Adult Acne.

Adult acne  is skyrocketing! Especially for women! More than 50 percent in their twenties, 26 percent of thirty somethings, and 25 percent of 40-49 year olds are breaking out chronically and it's not just a once in a while monthly blemish , it's an episode of a flurry of angry breakouts!

                 Why do we have more acne cases now?
Besides monthly hormonal fluctuations or skipping your face cleansing, dermatologists believe it's everything from what we are eating and where and how we live are daily lives.
 1) We are loading up on carbohydrates
Refined carbs  with high glycemic index ( process food like white pasta and white bread) increase insulin levels and insulin like growth factor - one that in turn caused the production of androgen- make hormones that increase oil production and inflammation which leads to pimples.
Adopt a low glycemic diet such as lean proteins, vegetables and fruits that are high in antioxidants. Also fatty acids found in wild salmon ,walnuts , flaxseed also are great for inflammation that is spurred by acne flare ups.
2) We are consuming hidden hormones.
There has been a long link between dairy products and acne .Many experts suspect that hormones are to blame. All milk, even organic , contain hormones because the cows are often kept in a pregnant state to produce more milk. Also, chemicals that mimic or disrupt hormones such as BPA( found in plastic containers and the linings of canned food) can unleash inflammatory cascade in the body which may also trigger acne. Switching to non-dairy alternatives such as almond milk, coconut or hemp milk and avoiding BPA may help.
3)We are manipulating our hormones
Many women use birth control pills not only to avoid pregnancy but to control acne. Breakouts are prevented while you were on the pill because your testosterone levels go down but this of course goes back up when you stop using it and your acne returns. If you did not have acne before you started the pill and are wondering why you have it now after you stop taking the pill, it could be for one or more reasons. Some people find that their birth control break out after stopping the use of the pill is due to polycystic ovary syndrome, which is a hormonal disorder that is common in many times followed by acne. If you been using the pill for quite a while, such as 10 years or more, there could be other path-ologies that have developed and gone undetected until you come off the pill. Another reason is that hormonal birth control has much more estrogen then your body normally makes in it. It also has a lot more progesterone. Once you get off birth control pills your body needs to learn to make more estrogen and progesterone without the manipulation of a pill and therefore the testosterone level will be higher and The body needs time to start making its own estrogen and progesterone. Testosterone plays a big part in acne. Hormonal birth control also depletes your B vitamins. These are both very important for progesterone production and for the health of your liver. Without your liver working well, you will see in the imbalance in your skin. It is important to get your liver working well again. This is very important because your liver is helping to get this hormones from the birth control but also balancing out what you actually need versus what are producing which can be wonky after hormonal birth control. A few things you can do to get your liver going again, is lemon water in the morning, dandelion root tea, avoiding alcohol, and eating a lot of fruits and vegetables mostly green and antioxidant rich.Having a correct skin care regimen that exfoliates, cleanses, and hydrates without irritating , drying , or clogging the skin is one way of working with your acne. A balanced and cleansing diet that can build the immune system and clean out the existing toxins can help your skin . However, A need for patience to bring the body back into balance and Cleanse The toxins from birth control is needed. It can take up to a year to see the skin stop reacting from the change you have made from taking yourself off of birth control.
4) We are overly inflamed these days and a major culprit is stress. 
Daily stressors raise your cortisol level which increase inflammation. Your glands release more oil and your immune system is suppressed . Thee perfect storm for breakouts. Managing your stress levels with exercising, having fun with positive people, calming facials and massages, and taking time out for yourself to relax and meditate are a few ways to eliminate  stress.
5)We are dealing with more pollutants in our environment.
If you live in the urban areas you are being attacked by tiny enough particles that clog pores and cause inflammation. Applying a daily moisturizer with SPF every morning can act as a good sealant for blocking your skin from pollutants bombarding your face. Cleansing your skin with a daily exfoliants can help. Also a monthly facial can  completely detoxify the skin and exfoliate dead skin that is clogging the pores. It is beneficial to also close the facial with a calming mask to help with inflammation that is created by acne. Beneficial daily home care would be an exfoliating cleanser with blemish fighters such as fruit enzymes,salicylic acid,camphor,clay, probiotic or gentle cleansing granulars that is combined with calming ingredients to stop inflammation. Anti-inflammatory botanical agents such as aloe, algae ,ginseng ,Ginko,  chamomile ,Tumerick, licorice and Grapeseed oil are a few that work well. Using probiotics topically may also keep bumps at bay. The theory is that probiotics shield cells from bad bacteria , calm inflammation and have an anti-microbial effect.

Vitamins/herbs( working from the inside)
Vitamins that are good for acne are vitamins  A ,C and E. Taking vitamin B6 reduces the flareup of break outs because it prevents excessive imbalance of the hormones The days leading up to the menstrual cycle is best to take then. Spearmint tea might help acne also. The minty beverage is not only anti-inflammatory and an antibacterial, but has been also shown to block acne stimulating Androgen. In a study done on women with polycystic ovarian syndrome,a condition marked by high androgen levels, women who drank the tea twice a day had significant levels lower after one month.
Probiotic foods ( yogurt, pickles ,kimchi ,kombucha, sauerkraut,and Kiefer) and  live supplements help with inflammation and bacteria.

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